Many have expressed frustrations with
the inability of our local governments to identify, prioritize, and implement the
real infrastructure needed to accommodate a Meijer store. The needed
infrastructure is municipal water and sewer that larger developments demand. Infrastructure
is not streetscapes and definitely not pedestrian bridges. More than twenty
years after Walmart and the leaders of Inverness Township still do not
understand the needs of big box stores; acres of cheap land in the right
location with public utilities.
This frustration has brought
well-intentioned people to the op-ed page voicing opinions for or against
Inverness, the City, 425 agreements, and Utility Service Agreements. Special
interest groups have spent thousands on full-page ads pushing one option over
another. One of the most confused op-ed pieces written by Tom O'Hare and published in the June 23, 2017 Cheboygan Tribune was the
same tired rhetoric that has created the Cheboygan we have today. This pundit stated collaboration of government and
quasi-government entities, mixed in with a Port of Cheboygan will drive
economic development. He seems ignorant of the style of collaboration practiced
by Inverness and the City of Cheboygan. The Urban Dictionary best defines it
as, “An unnatural act practiced by non-consenting adults”. A 20-year 425
Agreement between the City and Inverness Township serving Walmart and the Huron
Estates mobile home park expired in 2012.
Twenty years looking at an approaching 425 expiration date and the two
parties required another almost ‘yearlong extension to reach a compromised
I do not recall
Tom O'Hare ever attending a Cheboygan County meeting. He
referred to our Board of Commissioners as a County Commission and the Cheboygan
County Economic Development Corporation (EDC), a twice-failed body of
appointees, as another “Commission”. This
expert encourages the County’s EDC to engage the Northern Lakes Economic
Alliance (NLEA) to assess what has occurred in this County the past several
decades, in contrast to other counties throughout Northern Michigan. He says, “recent developments with the Port Project provide a great opportunity
for this County. The EDC should engage the Brownfield Authority of the County, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and the Northeast Michigan Council of
Governments to implement an aggressive outreach program to get companies to establish businesses in the County, knowing they can ship their product from the
County’s new Port almost anywhere in the world.” Where was this pundit back in 2007?
From the Cheboygan City
Review, Fall of 2007, here is the plan....”The issue of marketing and economic
development has been addressed by activities of the City Manager and the Mayor
participating on the Board of Directors of the Economic Development Corporation
of the County of Cheboygan. “The EDC reviewed methods of economic development
and ultimately recommended that Cheboygan County join the Northern Lakes
Economic Alliance (NLEA) which formerly was a professional economic development
group that acted on behalf of Emmet, Charlevoix and Antrim Counties. As stated,
the Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners has approved membership in the NLEA
by an annual appropriation and the City and the County will be the beneficiary
of this professional economic development organization. The City of Cheboygan
also provides funding toward the NLEA.”
10 years ago, the City’s Strategic Plan was amended and goals were prioritized
as follows: 1- the Redevelopment of Downtown Cheboygan (Redevelopment of Former
F.W. Woolworth Building & Site); 2-Continue and Refine the Capital
Improvement Planning Process and the Implementation of a Walkable Community and
Sidewalk Repair/Replacement Plan; 3- Establish a Centralized Cultural Arts and
Education Center; 4-Improve the Quality of Water Delivered to City Water
Customers; 5-Create a City Park & Recreation System that Meets the Needs of
the Community; 6-Remove Conditions of Junk and Blight from the City; 7-Develop
Effective Marketing Plan to Promote the City of Cheboygan as Place to visit, as
a Place to Raise a Family and as a Place to do Business; 8-Continue and Enhance
Intergovernmental Communication; and 9-Refine Land Use Plan; and 10–Develop
& Implement a Staffing Plan, which will Effectively Accomplish the Mission
of the City of Cheboygan.
10 listed priorities in that decade old Strategic Plan consisted of feel good
buzzwords. Tom O'Hare with a resume of 28 years in the
corporate business arena advocates doing it all over again, collaboration with
all these same entities. He wants to do the same thing done 10 years ago and
expects a different result. That is Einstein’s theory of insanity.
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