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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Cheboygan County's Attempt to Raise 911 Taxes

Cheboygan County Commissioners,

On Friday, May 25, 2018, an op-ed piece of mine was published in the Cheboygan Tribune. I endorsed the existing tri-county CCE 911 and closed the piece with a request to fund the 800 MHZ upgrades fairly."There is an estimate of a $10,283,167 cost. The three counties need to split that amount equitably and fairly, while recognizing this upgrade is a priority. You and I are the taxpayers served by these committed men and women who respond when we call 911. Cheboygan and the other counties will discuss the options available to fund these needed upgrades. Telephone surcharges on your monthly bills and pre-paid phones, or millages are two options. I trust our Cheboygan County Board will reach out to us. They need our input to get the needed question on the November ballot that we can answer with a “yes”."

As a Board, outside of a public meeting, or on a decision made solely by your Administrator Jeff Lawson, that plea for an open discussion has been ignored. 

On Sunday evening, May 28th, the Clerk Karen Brewster sent an email notice of a "Reconvened" County Board meeting scheduled to occur on May 31 at 9:30 AM. The only new business is "Truth in Taxation Resolution No. 18-07 to Establish Additional Millage Rate and Set Public Hearing". 

Please advise the method the Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners have used to determine the need, millage required, and who drafted a "Resolution" outside of the view and purview of the public. Was this "Resolution" created with a round-robin discussion, a closed door meeting, or is it another creation of Mr Lawson operating as a defacto County Controller, on his own prerogative, instead of County Administrator?  

The citizens of Cheboygan County who have some awareness of the CCE 911 situation and needed funding have questions on the fairness of the distribution of costs. At the County's annual planning meeting, there was some discussion of the issue and Cheboygan County seemed to think the consensus among the three counties would be a shared ballot question seeking a surcharge or millage. Charlevoix County exercised their independence and nixed that option.

The newly incorporated articles of incorporation, "CALM", have not yet been majority approved by Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners. The new document continues the same cost sharing. That 32.77%, 30.77%, and 36.46% split is based on a "formula requires that sixty percent of the Authority's expenditures be divided equally between the three participating counties. The remaining forty percent is divided based on telephone lines in each county. The agreement requires that this funding formula be reviewed every five years. The funding formula was last adjusted in 2005." (see below)

That 40% of the funding "based on telephone lines" in each county and last "adjusted" in 2005 cannot fairly represent current actual usage of 911 services. In 2005 about 90% of homes had landlines; now less than 50% of US homes have landlines. Many families and even individuals have multiple cellphones, smart devices, and other connected devices that also cannot be used as a measure of impact on 911 services.

I am sure CCE 911 can track and easily compile the geographic source of every 911 call that arrives at the call center. An annual record of calls received from each County, averaged over a rolling 5 year period, and updated annually would serve as a fairer and more equitable method to allocate that 40% of charges.     

I encourage the Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners to act more responsibly. The voters are watching.

Articles of Incorporation-(CALM) 5/17/2018

Each County shall have the responsibility to fund the Authority based on the following: Charlevoix County – 32.77%; Cheboygan County – 30.77%; and Emmet County – 36.46%, which allocation percentages are the same as existed at the time these Restated Articles of Incorporation were adopted by the Counties.

CCE 911 Contributions per County-Notes to December 31, 2016 Financial Statements

NOTE I - CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PARTICIPATING MUNICIPALITIES: Under the terms of the organizing agreement, each participating county is responsible for funding the developmental costs and operating expenditures of the Authority based on a formula. Currently the formula requires that sixty percent of the Authority's expenditures be divided equally between the three participating counties. The remaining forty percent is divided based on telephone lines in each county. The agreement requires that this funding formula be reviewed every five years. The funding formula was last adjusted in 2005. 

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