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Sunday, October 28, 2018

800 MHZ Millage Language vs Capital Improvement Plan

The 800 MHZ ballot language as approved by the Emmet County Board of Commissioners is as follows:

“Shall the total taxable property rate limitation in Emmet County be increased by .31 of a mill (31 cents for each $1,000 in valuation) and levied for five (5) years, beginning in the year 2019 and continuing through the year 2023, inclusive, for the purpose of financing facility, equipment, maintenance and operating costs of the Charlevoix, Cheboygan, and Emmet County 911 (CCE) public safety call answering and dispatch services? If approved and levied in its entirety, this millage raises an estimated $896,565 in the first calendar year after its approval “

Emmet County already has millions of dollars of debt. Please note the use of the word "financing ..." in the above proposal. 

The 800 MHZ ballot language as approved by the Charlevoix County Board of Commissioners is as follows:

"Shall the tax limitation imposed under Article IXSection 6 of the Michigan Constitution on the amount of ad valorem taxes which may be levied by the County of CharlevoixState of Michiganagainst taxable property in the County be increased by up to .5 mills ($.50 per $1,000 of taxable valuefor a period of three (3) years2018 through 2020, inclusivefor the purpose of providing Charlevoix County's share of the funds needed by the CCE 911 Central Dispatch Authority(CCE) to purchaseinstall, maintainand replace upgraded radio equipment for use by CCE and emergency service providers within Charlevoix Countyand shall the Charlevoix County Board of Commissioners be authorized to levy such millage for these purposes?  If approved and levied in its entirety, this millage would raise an estimated $1,074,742 for Charlevoix County in 2018."

Charlevoix County stated they have funds sufficient to pay for needed 911 infrastructure and the millage spread over 3 years will pay for upgraded radio equipment.  

The 800 MHZ ballot language as approved by the Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners is as follows:

"Shall the tax limitation imposed under Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution on the amount of ad valorem taxes which may be levied by the County of Cheboygan, State of Michigan, against taxable property in the County be increased by up to .5 mills ($.50 per $1 ,000 of taxable value} for a period of four {4} years, 2018 through 2021 , inclusive, for the purpose of providing Cheboygan County's share of the funds needed by the CCE 911 Central Dispatch Authority {CCE} to purchase, install, maintain, and replace upgraded radio equipment for use by the CCE and emergency service providers within Cheboygan County and to upgrade radio system infrastructure, including tower and tower equipment, required by the upgraded radio equipment, and shall the Cheboygan County Board of Commissioners be authorized to levy such millage for these purposes? If approved and levied in its entirety, this millage would raise an estimated $717,761 for Cheboygan County in 2018."

Cheboygan County has millions of dollars in reserve funds, exceeding both the recommendations of the State of Michigan and the County's own fiscal policy. Only Cheboygan County has the excess cash reserves to pay now and not delay the radio upgrades. If the upgrades are needed, they should be prioritized and funded now, from the millions of dollars the County has in unassigned reserve funds. There are no good reasons  to spread the cost of the improvements over 4 years. Will Administrator Jeff Lawson and the County Commissioners be held accountable if a First Responder or Law Enforcement Officer is endangered or killed 2, 3, or 4 years from now because the millage is still trickling in? Vote no now and prioritize this needed upgrade.   

From Cheboygan County's current Master Plan:

Emergency 911 telephone service is provided to Cheboygan County through a multi-county 911 system for Cheboygan, Emmet and Charlevoix Counties. It is a state-of-the art enhanced 911 system, which provides emergency dispatch for all calls to the police, fire departments and ambulance service for the entire three county area. Police cruisers are equipped with laptop 107 “mobile data terminals” for direct communications between the 911 dispatch and the officers in the field. The mapping system used by the 911 system was developed through the use of satellite technology through a GPS (global positioning system) unit.  


The Michigan Planning Enabling Act (Act 33, 2008) requires local municipalities that have adopted a master plan to annually prepare a Capital Improvement Program, a planning tool that can coordinate community planning, financial capacity and physical development. A Capital Improvement Program may be considered a blueprint for planning capital improvement expenditures, and seek, in part, to improve quality of life and achieve a community’s long-term goals. The Act provides that the Capital Improvements Program show those public structures and improvements in general order of their priority that in the judgment of the Planning Commission will be needed or desirable and can be undertaken within the ensuing 6-year period. 

The inclusion of a project in a Capital Improvement Program will not require any public entity or County department to fund or complete the project. This report has been prepared and projected on a one-time cash basis that lists the potential project and its estimated cost as provided by various agencies and departments. This cash method of reporting may suggest a substantial one-time cost for many improvements. Not considered are such factors as debt amortization or shared expenses such as grants or other sources of financial aid. 

The projects listed in this report should be identified or prioritized as needed or desirable by the Planning Commission and determine that they do not conflict with the adopted Master Plan. 

Definition: Capital Improvements for the purposes of this Capital Improvement Program shall be defined as additions to County assets which are the result of construction or purchase of land, buildings or facilities or renovations of the same, with an estimated useful life of five (5) years or more and exceed an estimated cost of $15,000.00.

Project Prioritizing Projects are presented in a general order of priority in consideration of factors listed in the following categories: 

 2 a) Needed (essential; should do): 

 Addresses an objective of the Master Plan. 
 Satisfies a legal obligation. 
 Corrects a condition dangerous to public health and safety. 
 Reduces future operating and maintenance costs. 
 Leverages local, state or federal funds. 
 Prevents irreparable damage to a valuable public facility. 
 Stimulates economic growth and private investment. 

b) Desirable (important; could do): 

 Provides a new or expanded level of service. 
 Provides a facility improvement that would enhance efficiency or use with minimal or no increase in operating costs. 
 Enhances cultural or natural resources.

Public Safety Emergency 911 services are part of the Cheboygan County Master Plan. The County Administrator, Planning Commission, and Board of Commissioners annually prepare a Capital Improvement Program to plan and prioritize capital improvement expenditures over $15,000.  All of these proposed "projects" are on the 2019 Capital Improvement Program. The 800 MHZ radio upgrade is not one of County Administrator Jeff Lawson's "pet" projects. Administrator Jeff Lawson and the County Commissioners know the public would vote no to additional taxes for most of these projects. The 800 MHZ radio upgrade is a hot button issue. It should prioritized and funded now, from the millions of dollars the County has in unassigned reserve funds, and the need to spread the improvements over 4 years will be avoided. 

Project Description

Project Title: Fuel Tank and Fuel Dock Replacement and Upgrade    $800,000
Agency: Cheboygan County Marina 

Project Title: County Building Security Windows and Doors                $100,000
Agency: County Building Maintenance Department

Project Title: County Building Trim Panel/Window Replacement         $550,000
Agency: Cheboygan County 

Project Title: County Building Elevator Replacement                           $250,000
Agency: County Building Maintenance Department

Project Title: County Building Court Room,                                          $100,000
Treasurer’s Office Remodel and Indigent Defense Meeting Rooms 
Agency: Cheboygan County 

Project Title: County Building Parking Lot Seal Coating                        $50,000
Agency: Cheboygan County 

Project Title: County Building Drive                                                     $200,000
Agency: Cheboygan County 

Project Title: Sand Road Senior Center                                                $35,000
Central Air Conditioning Upgrade 
Agency: Cheboygan County Council on Aging

Project Title: Sand Road Senior Center Parking lot                              $50,000
seal coating and paving 
Agency: Cheboygan County Council on Aging

Project Title: Wolverine Senior Center Parking lot resurfacing             $50,000
Agency: Cheboygan County Council on Aging
                                                                  Sub-Total                        $2,185,000

Project Title: Terminal Ramp Rehabilitation (2022)                             $635,000
Agency: Cheboygan Airport Authority
                                                                    Total                             $2,820,000

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