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County Employee Shopping In Gaylord
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Thursday, January 25, 2018

Who is at the Helm of the Cheboygan County Ship?

I made no personal New Year’s resolutions for 2018. I was tempted though to resolve to join the thousands of Cheboygan County residents who find any activity is better than attending a local government meeting. I was one of only three citizens in the audience of the County Board of Commissioners on January 9, 2018. A sports team could not survive with more people on the floor or field than in the stands and Cheboygan County suffers from the same apathy.

Cheboygan County’s primary role in the hierarchy of governance is acting as the home of the Circuit and District Courts, Sherriff’s Department and jail, deliverance and enforcement of Michigan’s criminal and civil laws, and the dissemination of a plethora of state programs to local residents. The vast majority of business that comes before the County Commissioners is rote rubberstamping of an agenda mandated by others. You err if you think the County Commissioners are lawmakers. One of the few areas where they can exert a local influence over our daily life, freedoms or infringements on our freedoms is in the area of planning of land uses and zoning regulations.

The County Commissioners have now failed that by over-thinking, micro managing, and partially approving Amendment #144 to the County’s Ordinance #200. Amendment #144 principally clarified or confused a multiplicity of restaurant definitions. The law will now identify as separate or maybe combined uses a Bar, Drive-through, Restaurant, Restaurant-carry out, Restaurant-drive in, and a Restaurant-fast food. Amendment #144 also included an attempt by the Planning Commission to correct the error of omission that occurred when former Community Development Director Steve Schnell was forced by public pressure to backtrack on his attempt ban short-term or vacation rentals.

Mr Schnell had redefined the biblical definition of family to read “two or more individuals, whether related or unrelated”. That wording excluded more than thirty percent of county residents who reside in one person households protected by Federal Fair Housing Act. The act specifically states a family, regardless of Mr Schnell’s ideal, includes a “single individual”.

We have all seen the flack lawmakers attract when they vote on bills or legislation without reading or understanding what they are voting yea or nay on. The inclusion of a correction within Amendment #144, to be inserted into Section 2.2 of the Cheboygan County Zoning Ordinance No. 200 is hereby amended to change the following definition which shall read in its entirety as follows: Family An individual or a group of individuals, whether related or unrelated, who are occupying a dwelling. It was that simple. Then the stupidity started. Commissioner Sangster asked, “What does a definition of family have to do with bars or restaurants?” If you read the cover sheet explanation, the answer is there: nothing.  Adding to the confusion, Cheboygan Legal Counsel Bryan Graham interjects that in his opinion, if this is the county’s attempt to control short-term rentals, it is “not good policy”. The wording amendment would return the family definition to a standard that meets the FFHA. The citizens of Cheboygan County endorsed short-term rentals and to this date, there has not been any demonstrated need for the controls Mr Schnell envisioned.    

If the Cheboygan County Commissioners want to micro manage, Administrator Jeff Lawson is currently at the helm of a ship that seems adrift with people taking to the lifeboats. Despite a big retention raise a few years ago, his friend, Community Development Director Steve Schnell, is gone. The newly created lesser position of Planning and Zoning Director remains unfilled with Scott McNeil’s end of February retirement fast approaching. Finance Director Kari Kortz received an $11,342.95 raise just less than three years ago with an additional title Assistant County Administrator. 

Ms Kortz has given her notice and is not leaving for more money or a better pension, but a position in private industry that offers employees more respect. Any one person will not fulfill her existing duties despite the caveat: Performs additional duties as may be assigned by the Administrator.

Newly appointed Commissioner Karen Johnson has publicly recognized the County building has no dedicated Human Resource staff. People don’t quit jobs, they quit managers. Cheboygan County has a finite labor pool of professional and management people. Many of the current and future openings that will occur will be very hard to fill. 

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